Best way facebook photo verification remove trick

TunnelBear/Okayfreedom/TigerVPNs/ProxyDroid VPN golem or iPhone App

facebook photo tag problem solve


1. 1st of all, transfer and Install TunnelBear APP. click hrer

2. Now, currently launch the app and build a free account.

3. Then, choose Japanese proxy from the list. And wait till your phone connected to the proxy.

4. Now, Minimize this App. and so launch Opera-mini or the other browser.

5. Then, login to your Facebook account and so FB can raise you to enter you Email/Date of birth or mobile variety and screw as was common and so verify your account. That's it.>

Note: This trick conjointly works with Hola higher web, Hola Proxy code, Hola extension. The conclusion is that you simply will use any VPN or proxy code however the procedure are same as explicit  on top of.
enjoy your facebook account.


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